Wow! 🍾 Discourse on Pi!

Wow it’s so great!
It works flawlessly on Raspberry Pi!
What model is it exactly?
Pi 4 with how much RAM?
Does it have a hard disc drive?
Anything special?


It’s running on the Pi4 with 8GB of RAM, but it’s using less than 2GB now, so it’s compatible with the cheaper one.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7813        1333        1097          43        5382        6332
Swap:             99           0          99

I’m using a 64GB microSD card, as usual. It gave me a 59GB usable / partition, and at the moment it has 90% of that free.


It looks a lot faster than my old cheap VPS :laughing:


Some cheap VPS are shared between so many tenants that I can see that happening indeed. In a Pi you can guarantee that the hardware is 100% really there :rofl:


Is your unit only running Discourse or does it do something else as well? Any feeling for how many kWh of power it is using in a year? I set up a trial Discourse server on an old Dell XPS430 but having a massive box taking up the corner of my room isn’t ideal if a very small box could do the same. Given I have internet at home a Rasberry Pi would be a lot cheaper than a cloud solution. Potential user base of my project would be low (max 100 users, monthly postings and perhaps the odd bit of discussion around the monthly posts).

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Should be anywhere between 4W to 3W.

this is genuinely awesome, i love it

i wanted to link this but it seems to be offline rn :sweat_smile:

perhaps will we have to wait of the sun to come up :relieved: :sunrise_over_mountains:

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the website is back online, it has 29% charge left and it is sunrise soon in Barcelona :relieved:

@markcoley in the article above, these guys use a special SOC which has a battery management chip integrated and only draws 1-2W. i am unsure if it’s system resources would suffice for Discourse.

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